Nutrition situation
Under five stunting (%)
Under five overweight (%)
Anaemia in women 15-49 years (%)
Under five wasting (%)
Low birth weight (%)
0 to 5-month-old exclusive breastfeeding (%)
Adolescent overweight (%)
Male: 28.6
/ Female: 23.1
Adult overweight (%)
Male: 51.1
/ Female: 58.3
Adult obesity (%)
Male: 17.9
/ Female: 26.9
Adult diabetes (%)
Male: 8.6
/ Female: 8.8
COVID-19 snapshot
Measures introduced due to the pandemic have impacted community nutrition activities. The government has only been able to include nutrition in its response plan in the form of nutritional support for patients. Mothers have been given capacity-building to cover the role of community health workers in providing testing and nutritional monitoring for their children.
Institutional transformations 2019-2020
Bringing people together into a shared space for action
There is a technical nutrition committee in place, which coordinates interventions and supports the standardisation of protocols.However, there is insufficient involvement of stakeholders, particularly those who have not yet signed up to nutrition activities. Much work is still needed to involve sectors and actors in analysing and reviewing information. This will require clarification of the roles and responsibilities of the actors involved.
Mobilisation and coordination at department level still do not match commitments at the national level.
Ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework
Policies have been published on school canteens and on social protection and promotion, but legislation to implement the law on fortification of food with micronutrients has not.The protocol for treating malnutrition and the Strategic Nutrition Plan are currently being revised, and the National Food and Nutrition Sovereignty and Security Policy is awaiting validation.
The National Nutrition Plan and National Nutrition Policy are awaiting revision. Advocacy is ongoing at all levels and there are plans for consultation on strengthening it.
Aligning actions around common results
A platform called Système d’Information Sanitaire Unique (SISNU), which is completed by nutrition stakeholders, enables common reporting.The technical nutrition committee’s platform then makes the consolidated data available, and the government presents priorities for implementation. This enables alignment at national level of the activities of different actors. However, more needs to be done at the community level to better involve actors in municipalities (town councils), communal sections (ASECs) and other public bodies. There is regular evaluation of nutritional data.
Financial tracking and resource mobilisation
The national budget includes an allocation of 30 million Haitian gourdes for the purchase of nutritional supplies. The nutrition budget line in the national budget needs to be increased annually in line with the needs identified. Funding pledges remain low, so there is a need for increased advocacy at all levels for long-term funding for any projects and programmes arising from the National Nutrition Policy and/or National Nutrition Plan; monitoring of allocations and expenditure; and better alignment of resources.2020-2021 Priorities
- Official launch of the SUN Movement.
- Establishment of Common Results Framework, to improve planning and implementation and increase monitoring and evaluation of programmes and activities.
- Identification and increase in funding through a nutrition budget plan.
- Situational and organisational analysis.
- Establishment of nutritional recommendations in relation to COVID-19.
- Establishment of multi-stakeholder coordination networks.