Nutrition situation
Under five stunting (%)
Under five overweight (%)
Anaemia in women 15-49 years (%)
Under five wasting (%)
Low birth weight (%)
0 to 5-month-old exclusive breastfeeding (%)
Adolescent overweight (%)
Male: 5.8
/ Female: 13.8
Adult overweight (%)
Male: 13.9
/ Female: 30.1
Adult obesity (%)
Male: 2.1
/ Female: 8.6
Adult diabetes (%)
Male: 4.2
/ Female: 4.1
COVID-19 snapshot
Although incidence of this disease has remained low, some negative impacts have hindered internal and external meetings (international conferences). A national contingency plan was drafted and nutrition-sensitive and -specific interventions were able to continue. A large-scale screening campaign that was organised offers a window of hope.
Institutional transformations 2019-2020
Bringing people together into a shared space for action
The process of decentralising the multi-stakeholder platform at provincial level is now well under way. A draft legal framework has already been finalised by Permanent Executive Secretariat for the Multisectoral Food Security and Nutrition Platform (SEP/PMSAN) and awaits validation by the Multisectoral Platform Steering Committee. Establishment of the Alliance of Burundi Members of Parliament for Food and Nutrition Security (APBSAN) and the network of young people and of journalists is in progress. The structure of the private sector network has been further formalised through the recent establishment of its governing bodies and an action plan.Ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework
New legal measures have been taken as part of the care subsidy for senior citizens and pensioners. The SEP/PMSAN and other stakeholders carry out activities relating to compliance with legislation on iodised salt. A quality control body, the Burundi Standards Bureau (BBN), is also operational and ensures compliance with the established standards. Consultation workshops have been organised to share the results of the policy evaluation, as part of the joint programme reviews. Finally, the national school food programme is up and running.Aligning actions around common results
The SEP/PMSAN operational action plan has been developed and aligned with the 2019–2020 PSMSAN II, particularly its priority V on strengthening governance, multisectoral coordination and partnership.The multisectoral monitoring and evaluation system is in progress and will provide data on interventions by all stakeholders that contribute to achieving the stated objectives, for example through the annual SEP/PMSAN action plan directly resulting from the 2019–2020 PSMSAN. There is progressive capacity building at sectoral level, on an ongoing basis.
Financial tracking and resource mobilisation
An annual budget allocation has been established for the operation of the SEP/PMSAN. The budget allocations are monitored annually, providing an overview of the budget allocated by the government to nutrition and to food security. Various stakeholders prepare financial monitoring and audit reports, but these are not always shared in time. Decision-making on financing takes into account the gap analysis report produced after the development and costing of the PSMSAN II. Overall, external financial support has fallen sharply.2020-2021 Priorities
- Official launch of the PSMSAN II adopted by the Council of Ministers, combined with the mobilisation of various actors to consolidate the multisectoral approach.
- Establishment and supervision of the platform’s decentralised bodies with a Multisectoral Food and Nutrition Security Monitoring and Evaluation System (SMSESAN).
- Finalising, establishing and revitalising the media and youth networks.
- Finalisation and official implementation of the institutional framework for the Members of Parliament Alliance (APBSAN).
- Organising and holding the National Nutrition Forum combined with donors’ round table.