Nutrition situation
Under five stunting (%)
Under five overweight (%)
Anaemia in women 15-49 years (%)
Under five wasting (%)
Low birth weight (%)
0 to 5-month-old exclusive breastfeeding (%)
Adolescent overweight (%)
Male: 28.6
/ Female: 31.9
Adult overweight (%)
Male: 39.8
/ Female: 33.4
Adult obesity (%)
Male: 21.8
/ Female: 31.5
Adult diabetes (%)
Male: 8.8
/ Female: 8.9
COVID-19 snapshot
A national state of emergency was declared and measures were taken to contain the spread of COVID-19. The Ministry of Health published a social media strategy on healthy nutritional practices to address COVID-19. The “at home” component of the Centres for Child Nutrition and Education-CINAI National Early Child Development Programme provided users with food, health and education.
Institutional transformations 2019-2020
Bringing people together into a shared space for action
Indicator for addressing obesity among schoolchildren included in the National Development Plan (2018–2022). United Nations Cooperation Network consolidated with a participatory role aligned with the Government’s priorities, together with the Resident Coordinator’s Office. Nutritional issues put on the cooperation agenda. Implementation of the “Activate” programme to promote systematic physical activity in municipalities plus a healthy-eating component. Action Plan for Addressing Overweight and Obesity in the School Setting and proposal for the School Health and Nutrition Manual launched.Ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework
Intersectoral round tables through which to implement the National Policy on Sustainable Production and Consumption were established, including the National Round Table on Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyles. Launch of the Parliamentary Front Against Hunger and Malnutrition 2018–2022 Strategic Plan. Public consultation on the Framework Law on the Human Right to Food and Food and Nutrition Security. Bill reforming the Law on Strengthening Public Finances. The Framework Law for the Promotion of Food and Nutrition Security and a Bill on Calculating the Basic Food Basket are currently in the legislative process.Aligning actions around common results
Road map developed jointly by members of the SUN platform using the Theory of Change methodology. Model of intersectoral and interinstitutional coordination of nutrition governance at different levels. Design of an Implementation Strategy for Addressing Childhood Overweight and Obesity is under way, to ensure that evidence generated locally can be used by the Planning Directorate to produce strategies and plans. Implementation of an interdisciplinary procedure for treating children with malnutrition and the “Growing together” project.Financial tracking and resource mobilisation
The Ministry of Health and other public institutions have expenditure control systems in place to evaluate the use of resources allocated to the various budget items for nutrition. There has, however, been an under-spend of budgeted funds due to a lack of mechanisms to comprehensively address how resources allocated to nutrition are managed. SUN Movement Pooled Fund resources have been allocated to implement the project “Strengthening food and nutrition with an emphasis on Costa Rica’s mother and child population” to promote breastfeeding and healthy eating.2020-2021 Priorities
- Contribute to producing a proposed methodology for constructing an intersectoral action plan on food and nutrition, coordinated with the National Health Plan.
- Ensure greater involvement of civil society, the private sector and local government.
- Contribute to updating the food and nutrition situation analysis.
- Initiate a process of intersectoral coordination to establish the effects of COVID-19 on nutritional status.
- Ensure progress in the “Strengthening food and nutrition with an emphasis on Costa Rica’s mother and child population” project, food guides.
- Contribute to developing the National Communication Strategy.